Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Update

I'm really enjoying this season of Christmas. I always love this time of year but this year especially has been so much fun. We went to a Christmas tree farm and cut our tree down for the first time, we've been celebrating Advent and we've already watched quite a few Christmas movies. We went for our annual trip to visit Santa which turned out to be great as well. I've also finished up a large part of my shopping which brings gives me a big relief. Today I finally decided on a dress for Ellison's Christmas program. It's this Thursday night. She and I went out shopping last night for one and we had a great time together. She sang Christmas songs and loved having all of my attention. Although we went to 3 stores I couldn't find one that I loved. After I picked her up from school the 3 of us (Me, Jude and Ellison) went to Belk to get a dress that I'd spotted this weekend during our Santa visit. I can't wait to see her on the stage doing her little songs.  I am sad, however, that my parents won't be able to be in the audience. That is the one thing that stinks about this time of year. My brother lives in Colombia and my parents and sister are in SC and they are just far enough away that we don't see each other as often as we'd like. Thanks to the digital age, however, we can keep them in the loop on things. Well here are some pictures from December fun so far. Enjoy.  


EAJan678 said...

Random Question: The book you mentioned awhile back that you were going to read (it was a day-by-day thing). I went out and bought it after you recommended it, but I haven't started it yet. I was just wondering if you were still doing it and if you liked it, etc. I would love a book report :)
Love Ellison's dress! Hope the concert went well! And I hear ya on the wish family was closer thing!!

Beth said...

Hey Ashley,

I started the book but have taken a break during Advent. It is fantastic! It's the first time I've really stuck with a consistent morning quiet time. I highly recommend the book. The name of it Becoming The Woman God Wants me to Be by Donna Partow. Lots of good insights.

Talk to you soon!